To perform an ISSU or on-demand software upgrade


Perform this procedure to upgrade the device software on one or more NEs.

The following must be true before you attempt a device software upgrade.

  • You have an NFM-P user account with an administrator or network element software management scope of command role, or a scope of command role with write access to the mediation package.

  • The FTP or SFTP credentials are configured in the NE mediation policy.



Service Disruption

A device may require a firmware upgrade before a software upgrade.

To avoid a service outage, ensure that the device firmware version supports the software release. See the device software Release Notes for information about firmware and software compatibility, and about the firmware upgrade procedure.



Service Disruption

Nokia recommends that you open a physical console session on the NE that you need to upgrade so that you can monitor the upgrade and recover in the event of an upgrade failure.

Read the software upgrade information in the device documentation before you perform a software upgrade.

Before you attempt an ISSU, see the appropriate device release notice and the NSP NFM-P Network Element Compatibility Guide for information about the supported upgrade paths.

You cannot upgrade an NE to a chronologically older release, regardless of the release identifier; for example, the R1 revision of a release may predate the R9 revision of the previous release. See the NSP NFM-P Network Element Compatibility Guide for information about the supported device upgrade paths.

Note: ISSUs are restricted to device maintenance releases only. See the device documentation for the supported release transitions.

Some 7210 SAS chassis types do not support ISSUs; see the device documentation for more information.

Before you downgrade a device, you must unmanage and delete the device from the NFM-P. Contact Nokia technical support for information about device downgrades.

If the NFM-P raises a NodeVersionMismatch alarm, manually unmanage and remanage the device after performing the upgrade or downgrade.

The NFM-P does not support an upgrade of the 7705 SAR-H from Release 5.0 to Release 6.1. You must first unmanage the device and then perform the upgrade using a CLI, after which you can again use the NFM-P to manage the NE.


Choose Administration→NE Maintenance→Software Upgrade from the NFM-P main menu. The Software Upgrade form opens.

Click on the Software Images tab.

Select a software image and click Import. The Open window appears.

Navigate to the directory that contains the software image, select the image, and click Open.

Note: The directory must contain only the files required for the upgrade.

The 7450 ESS, 7750 SR, and 7950 XRS use a common software image with a Product Name of Nokia-SR/ESS-7XXX.

If you are upgrading a 7705 SAR-8 or 7705 SAR-18, two images are required: One image contains the boot.ldr and both.tim files, and the second contains the MWA files in the pkgs/MPT folder. If the image folder contains the MPT files, the MPT Image Software Version is displayed on the Software Image form. If the image folder does not contain MPT packages, the MPT Image Software Version shows N/A.

If the directory contains only the required files, the NFM-P imports the files, and an entry for the image is listed on the Software Upgrade form. Go to Step 7 .

If the directory does not contain only the required files, a message is displayed.

Perform the following steps.

  1. Click OK.

  2. Copy or move files, as required, to ensure that the directory contains only the files required for the upgrade.

  3. Go to Step 3 .

Click Upgrade Sites. A list of NEs is displayed. Only the devices that support the software image are listed.

Select one or more NEs and click OK. The software upgrade begins.

Click on the Software Upgrade Status tab to view the upgrade progress.



Service Disruption

Rebooting an NE that is in service is service-affecting.

Ensure that you perform the reboot only during a scheduled maintenance period.

If the Software Upgrade parameter in the software upgrade policy is not selected, you must activate the image on each NE and then reboot each NE.

Note: Some device software upgrades, for example, ISSUs, do not require a reboot. See the device documentation for more information.

When you perform an ISSU, you can manually soft reset or hard reboot the IOMs or IMMs after the upgrade. A soft reset results in minimal downtime, but has limited support. See To perform an IOM, IMM, or XCM soft reset to perform a manual soft reset, or To perform an IOM or XCM hard reboot to perform a manual hard reboot.

When the IOMs are not manually soft reset or hard rebooted, the device performs a soft reset, if supported, after two hours; otherwise, the device performs a hard reboot after two hours.

  1. Select the NEs that are to be upgraded.

  2. Click on the Software Images tab. A list of software images on the selected NEs is displayed.

  3. Select the required software image and click Activate Image. A confirmation message is displayed.

  4. Click Yes. The software image is activated.

    When the NFM-P activates an NE software image, it does the following:
    • backs up the original boot.ldr at the location specified by the CFlash Backup Root Path parameter

    • synchronizes the CPMs on NEs that have redundant CPMs

    • updates the BOF with the new software image location

  5. Click on the Software Upgrade Status tab to monitor the activation progress. The Last Operation column displays each operation as it completes, and the Upgrade Status column displays the overall activation status.

  6. Wait until the image activation completes.

  7. In the navigation tree equipment view, navigate to the shelf object. The path is Network→NE→Shelf.

  8. Right-click the shelf icon and choose Reboot or Reboot Upgrade. A dialog box appears.


    Only the 7210 SAS and 7705 SAR support the Reboot Upgrade option.

  9. Click Yes. The NE reboots.


Click on the Software Upgrade Status tab to monitor the upgrade progress. The Upgrade State column displays the current upgrade status.


Use the NFM-P FTP or SSH file browser to verify that the transferred files and configuration are on each upgraded NE. See To view an NE file system using an FTP file browser for information about using the FTP file browser, and To view an NE file system using an SSH file browser for information about using the SSH file browser.


Resynchronize each upgraded NE.

End of steps