To temporarily display hidden tabs on property forms


You can temporarily display the hidden tabs on a property form. Hidden tabs that are temporarily displayed are hidden again the next time the form is opened.


Open the property form for an object.

Perform one of the following:

  1. To temporarily display all hidden tabs on a form, click Show All Tabs at the right side of the row of tabs. The form displays all available tabs.

    If no available tabs are currently hidden, the Show All Tabs button is dimmed.

    Note: The keyboard shortcut to temporarily display all hidden tabs is Ctrl-Shift-A. The keyboard focus must be on one of the main tabs for the form.

  2. To temporarily display one hidden tab, perform the following:

    1. Click the tab selector button at the right of the row of tabs. The tab selector drop-down opens.

      Note: The keyboard shortcut to display the tab selector drop-down is Ctrl-T. The keyboard focus must be on one of the main tabs for the form. Press the Tab key to transfer the keyboard focus to the drop-down, then use the down-arrow key.

    2. Double-click on a tab in the Hidden Tabs list. The form displays the chosen tab.

Hidden tabs that are displayed temporarily are shown in italics in the Displayed Tabs Order list in the tab selector drop-down.

If the Tab Preferences parameter for the current workspace is set to Local, you can click on the Save Tab Settings button to set all temporarily displayed tabs as saved tab preferences. If the Tab Preferences parameter for the current workspace is set to Custom, the buttons on the tab selector do not appear.

End of steps