To open a dynamic LSP path map from the LSP Path form


Choose Manage→MPLS→Dynamic LSPs from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Dynamic LSPs form opens.

Select a dynamic LSP and click Properties. The Dynamic LSP (Edit) form opens.

Click on the LSP-Path Bindings tab. The LSP paths are listed.

Select an LSP path and click Properties. The LSP-Path Binding (Edit) form opens.

Perform one of the following:

  1. View the topology for provisioned paths:

    1. Click on the Provisioned Path tab. The LSP path hops are listed.

    2. Select a hop and click Topology View. The LSP path map opens showing the LSP path hops between the devices.

  2. View the topology for actual paths:

    1. Click on the Actual Path tab. The actual path hops are listed.

    2. Select a hop and click Topology View. The LSP path map opens showing the actual path hops between the devices.

  3. View the topology for CSPF paths:

    1. Click on the CSPF Path tab. The CSPF path hops are listed.

    2. Select a hop click Topology View. The LSP path map opens showing the CSPF path hops between the devices.

View and close the map.

End of steps