To export custom workspaces


Perform this procedure to export custom workspaces. You must have the required scope of command permissions to export public workspaces.


Choose Application→Manage Workspaces from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Workspaces form opens.

Perform one of the following:

  1. To export multiple workspaces, choose the custom workspaces in the list and click Export. The Export Directory window opens.

  2. To export a single custom workspace, choose the workspace in the list and click Export. The Export Directory window opens.

    Alternatively, you can export a custom workspace by clicking on the Export button on the Workspace (Edit) form. To open the workspace (Edit) form, see To modify an existing workspace .

Note: If you do not have permissions to export a workspace the Export button is disabled.

You cannot export system-defined workspaces or private workspaces owned by other users.

Specify the export directory in the Save In drop-down, or create a directory or folder, and click Save. The selected workspace files are exported to the specified directory.

Close the Manage Workspaces form.

End of steps