To manage, suspend, or unmanage a device



Service Disruption

Suspending the management of a device results in a loss of communication with the device.

Unmanaging a device results in a loss of management data for the device. See Unmanaging and deleting devices in Discovering devices using the NFM-P for more information.

Unmanaging a device results in the loss of all historical AA statistics for the device.

When you suspend the management of a device, the NFM-P raises a critical alarm against the device.

Perform this procedure to change the management state of a device.

Note: Managing and unmanaging a HIP device is not supported. To unmanage or delete a HIP device, you must set the EM system administrative state to Down, and then delete the EM system.


Choose Administration→Discovery Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The Discovery Manager (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Managed State tab.

Select a device in the list.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Click Manage to return an unmanaged or suspended device to the managed state.

  2. Click Suspend to suspend the management of the device.

  3. Click Unmanage to stop the management of the device.

Save your changes. The Managed State of the device changes to one of the following:

  • managed, if you are remanaging the device

  • suspended, if you are suspending management of the device

  • not managed, if you are unmanaging the device

If Service Bandwidth Management is enabled, perform a system-wide CAC audit to ensure that the bandwidth is properly calculated:

  1. Choose Manage→Service→Services from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Services form opens.

  2. Click on CAC Audit.

End of steps