Service Tunnel parameters

No VLAN VC Ethertype

The No VLAN VC Ethertype parameter specifies whether a VLAN VC Ethertype parameter can be specified. When the No VLAN VC Ethertype parameter is enabled the VLAN VC Ethertype parameter cannot be set.

The options are:


The Order parameter specifies whether the group is ordered or unordered.

The options are:

View the newly created tunnel

The View the newly created Dynamic LSP parameter specifies whether you want to view the configuration information about the newly created LSP. The Dynamic LSP child form displays the service tunnel configuration information.

The options are:


The VPLS parameter specifies whether Ethernet ring element interconnection is enabled through VPLS. The VPLS parameter is configurable when the Type parameter is set to Non Virtual Link. When the VPLS parameter is set to True, the Ethernet Ring ID parameter is set to 4294967295. The default is False.