To configure an LSP path


Use this procedure to configure an LSP path. This procedure applies to Dynamic LSPs, SR-TE LSPs, and Manual Bypass LSPs, unless otherwise noted. Dynamic LSPs are used to demonstrate the steps.


Choose Manage→MPLS→Dynamic LSPs from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Dynamic LSPs form opens.

Choose a Dynamic LSP from the list and click Properties. The Dynamic LSP (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Tunnels tab. A list of LSP paths is displayed.

If you are accessing this form to update the MPLS path for a Dynamic LSP, then go to Step 8 . Otherwise, go to Step 5.

Choose an LSP-Path Binding and click Properties. The LSP-Path Binding (Edit) form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

Replace the existing MPLS path for a primary or secondary LSP with another MPLS path, if required, by proceeding as follows:

Note: You can update the existing MPLS path only for a primary or secondary LSP path that has the Make before Break parameter enabled. The MPLS path you want to use must already exist on the NE, and must not be used by any other LSP paths under the parent LSP.

Use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Update MPLS Path button. The Choose MPLS Path form opens and displays the eligible MPLS paths.

  2. Choose the required MPLS path and click OK.

    The Choose MPLS Path form closes and the LSP-Path Binding (Edit) form is refreshed with the parameters related to the updated MPLS path selection.

  3. Click OK. The LSP-Path Binding (Edit) form closes and the LSP-Path Binding list is refreshed with the updated MPLS path you selected.

  4. Go to Step 9 .

Choose the MPLS path that you want to use to replace the existing path.

Note: You can update the existing MPLS path only for a primary or secondary LSP path that has the Make before Break parameter enabled. The MPLS path you want to use must already exist on the NE, and must not be used by any other LSP paths under the parent LSP.

Use the following steps:

  1. Click on the Update MPLS Path button. The Choose MPLS Path form opens and displays the eligible MPLS paths.

  2. Choose the required MPLS path and click OK.

    The Choose MPLS Path form closes and the LSP-Path Binding (Edit) form is refreshed with the parameters related to the updated MPLS path selection.

Click the Set as Secondary or Set as Standby button for a selected LSP-Path Binding to change its Type to one of these choices, if required.


Click the Switch Standby to Standby button for a selected LSP-Path Binding if you need to switch from the current active standby LSP path to another standby LSP path. This applies only to Dynamic LSPs.

The button choices include:

  • Switch: This option allows you to switch manually from an active standby path to another inactive standby path. You can do this as often as required, without having to select Clear first.

  • Force Switch: This option is essentially the same as the Switch option, but you cannot switch back unless you first press Clear to remove the Force Switch flag.

  • Clear: This option is used to clear the Force Switch flag.


Click on the Administrative Groups tab.


Assign an MPLS administrative group to the Dynamic LSP.

Use the following steps:

  1. Choose an MPLS administrative group in the Unassigned list.

  2. Click on the right arrow button. The group is assigned to the Dynamic LSP and moves to the Assigned list.

    After you assign administrative groups to an MPLS interface, the total value of the assigned groups is displayed in a bit mask format by the Groups Included indicator on the General tab.


Click on the General Tab and in the Shared Risk Link Group panel, configure the Enable SRLG for FRR or Enable SRLG parameter, if available and required.


Click on the Tests tab to configure OAM diagnostics for the LSP path, if required. The supported test type tabs appear. See Chapter 90, OAM diagnostic tests for more information about how to configure OAM diagnostics.


View path hops information on the following tabs, as available and required:

  • Provisioned Path

  • Actual Path

  • CSPF Path


Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps