To configure a policy sync group


Choose Policies→Policy Sync Group from the NFM-P main menu. The Policy Sync Groups form opens.

Click Create→Policy Sync Group or select a policy sync group entry and click Properties. The Policy Sync Group (Create | Edit) form opens.

Configure the Policy Type parameter.

Use the Select button to choose a master policy.

Configure the remaining parameters.

Specify the AA group policy or AA Cflowd group policy classes to include in the policy sync group.

  1. Click on the Included Classes tab. The tab lists the classes that are included in the policy sync group.

    The Sync Members, Add to Members, and Update Master actions performed on an AA group policy affect only the classes listed on the Included Classes tab.

  2. To add one or more classes, click Add and specify the classes.

  3. To delete one or more classes, select the classes and click Delete.

Add one or more member AA group or AA Cflowd group policies.

  1. Click on the Members tab.

  2. Click Add and select one or more policies. The Confirm form opens.

    The form displays the following options: “Listed master policy classes will overwrite member classes” and “Listed master policy classes will be added to member classes.”

    The Sync Members button performs the same function as the “Listed master policy classes will overwrite member classes” option.

    The Add to Members button performs the same function as the “Listed master policy classes will be added to member classes” option.

  3. Choose an option and click OK.

To remove a member AA group policy:

  1. Click on the Members tab.

  2. Select a member policy.

  3. Click Delete. The member policy is removed from the list.

Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps