To audit, compare, or synchronize policies using a policy sync group


Choose Policies→Policy Sync Group from the NFM-P main menu. The Policy Sync Groups form opens and lists the policy sync groups.

Select a policy sync group and click Properties. The Policy Sync Group (Edit) form opens.

To display the differences between the master policy and the policy members, click Audit.

Alarms are raised against member policies if mismatches in the included classes exist.

To compare two member policies, or compare the master policy to a member policy:

  1. From the Members tab, select two policies and click Compare. The Compare - AA Group Policy or Compare - AA Cflowd Policy form opens.

    You can use the Swap button to switch Policy A and Policy B.

  2. Click Compare to view the differences between Policy A and Policy B.

  3. Choose a result and click Properties. The Difference - AA Group Policy (class type) or Difference - AA Cflowd Policy (class type) form opens.

  4. View the differences between the two policies.

To add the classes defined in the master policy to each member policy, click Add To Members. The master policy classes are added to each member policy.

Note: After you click Add to Members, the member policy mode changes to Draft.

To add the contents of a selected AA group policy to the included classes of the master policy, click Update Master. The member policy classes are added to the master policy.

To synchronize each member policy with the master policy, click Sync Members. The master policy class list overwrites the class list in each member policy.

Note: After you click Sync Members, the member policy mode changes to Draft.

End of steps