To update the AA application database on multiple NEs


Perform this procedure to distribute an updated AA application database to multiple NEs using the NFM-P policy synchronization function.


Contact Nokia technical support to obtain the required application database delta file.

Using a CLI, execute the delta file on an NE.

Note: If the “Switch Distribution Mode to Local Edit Only on CLI Change” parameter on the System Preferences form is enabled, the distribution mode of each local policy changes to Local Edit Only. Otherwise, the distribution mode remains Sync With Global.

Each local policy on the NE is updated with the delta content, and differs from the global policy.

Perform an NE resync audit to ensure that the application database content on the NE and in the local NE policies is synchronized.

Perform the following steps to update the global policy from the local policy.

  1. Navigate to the global policy by choosing Policies→ISA Policies→Application Assurance from the NFM-P main menu. The Application Assurance Policies form opens.

  2. Select AA Group Policy (Application Assurance) from the object drop-down menu and click Search.

  3. Select the required global AA group policy and click Synchronize. The Synchronize form opens and the global policy is listed in the Destination Policy Instance(s) panel.

  4. In the Available Local Policies list, select the NE that has the updated local policy with the delta content and click the right-pointing arrow. The NE moves to the Selected Source Local Policy panel.

  5. Click Synchronize. The NFM-P synchronizes the global policy with the local policy, and the global policy distribution mode changes to Draft.

  6. Close the Synchronize form.

Perform the following steps to distribute the global policy to one or more NEs.

  1. Select the global policy in the Application Assurance Policies form and click Properties. The AA Group Policy (Edit) form opens.

  2. Click Switch Mode. The Release - AA Group Policy form opens with the associated NEs listed in the Select Objects panel.

  3. Click Distribute. The NFM-P distributes the policy to the NEs.

  4. Close the forms.

Note: If a local policy is in Local Edit Only distribution mode, the release has no effect on the local policy; if the distribution mode of a local policy is Sync With Global, the global policy overwrites the local definition.

Perform the following steps to switch any local policies in Local Edit Only mode to Sync With Global mode.

  1. Choose Local from the Policy scope drop-down menu on the Application Assurance Policies form. The local policies are listed.

  2. Select the required policies and click Switch Distribution Mode. The Distribute form opens.

  3. Choose Local Edit Only from the drop-down menu. The NEs that have policies in Local Edit Only mode are listed in the Available Nodes with Local Policies panel.

  4. Select the NEs in the Available Nodes with Local Policies panel and click the right-pointing arrow. The NEs move to the Selected Nodes with Local Policies panel.

  5. Click Synch With Global. The distribution mode of each policy changes to Synch With Global.

Close the forms.

End of steps