To interpret OAM diagnostic test results on the STM


Perform the appropriate OAM diagnostic test. See Table 90-1, NFM-P supported OAM diagnostic tests and configurations for a list of supported OAM diagnostic tests and their applicable procedures.

Perform To view and compare OAM diagnostic test results on the STM to view OAM diagnostic test results.

The General and Response Packets tabs display the key information about OAM diagnostic results.

When no packet information is required, as for an OAM ping, the information appears on the Packets Results form without any tabs. For example, status and return code information appears directly on the Packets Results form.

You can view test packet information by performing the following:

  1. Click on the Response Packets tab. A list of test objects appears.

  2. Choose an object and click Properties. The Packets Results form opens.

Interpret the results, based on the status and return code information.

  1. For MTU OAM diagnostics, the key information is how many frames were sent and incrementally increased in size before the frames could not be sent.

    When the frame cannot be sent because it is too large, that results in a request timeout message. The largest frame that was sent is the last frame size with an associated success response.

  2. For tunnel OAM diagnostics, the key information is the result of the diagnostic, displayed in the status message. The following table lists the displayed messages and descriptions.

    Table 89-13: Tunnel OAM diagnostics results

    Displayed message


    Request Timeout

    The request timed out with a reply.

    Orig-SDP Non-Existent

    The request was not sent because the originating SDP does not exist.

    Orig-SDP Admin-Down

    The request was not sent because the originating SDP administrative state is operationally down.

    Orig-SDP Oper-Down

    The request was not sent because the originating SDP operational state is down.

    Request Terminated

    The operator terminated the request before a reply could be received or before the timeout of the request could occur.

    Far End: Originator-ID Invalid

    The request was received by the far end, but the far end indicates that the originating SDP ID is invalid.

    Far End: Responder-ID Invalid

    The request was received by the far end, but the responder ID is not the same destination SDP ID that was specified.

    Far End:Resp-SDP Non-Existent

    The reply was received, but the return SDP ID used to respond to the request does not exist

    Far End:Resp-SDP Invalid

    The reply was received, but the return SDP ID used to respond to the request is invalid.

    Far End:Resp-SDP Down

    The reply was received, but the return SDP ID indicates that the administrative or operational state of the SDP is down.


    The tunnel is in service and working as expected. A reply was received without any errors.

  3. For service site OAM diagnostics, the key information is the result of the diagnostic, which is displayed in the status message and with the other records from the General tab.

    As the diagnostic traverses the service across the originating and destination IP addresses, the service tunnels, and the used VCs, the status of each portion of the service is displayed. The following table lists the displayed messages and descriptions.

    Table 89-14: Service site OAM diagnostics results

    Displayed message


    Sent - Request Timeout

    The request timed out with a reply.

    Sent - Request Terminated

    The request was not sent because the diagnostic was terminated by the operator.

    Sent - Reply Received

    The request was sent and a successful reply message was received.

    Not Sent - Non-Existent Service-ID

    The configured service ID does not exist.

    Not Sent - Non-Existent SDP for Service

    There is no SDP for the service being tested.

    Not Sent - SDP For Service Down

    The SDP for the service is down.

    Not Sent - Non-Existent Service Egress Label

    There is a service label mismatch between the originator and responder.

  4. For MAC, VPRN, and multicast FIB ping OAM diagnostics, the key information is the result of the diagnostic. The following table lists the return codes and descriptions.

    Table 89-15: MAC, VPRN, multicast FIB ping OAM diagnostics results

    Displayed message


    notApplicable (0)

    The OAM diagnostic message does not apply to the OAM diagnostic performed.

    fecEgress (1)

    The replying router is an egress for the FEC.

    fecNoMap (2)

    The replying router has no mapping for the FEC.

    notDownstream (3)

    The replying router is not a downstream router.

    downstream (4)

    The replying router is a downstream router, and the mapping for this FEC on the router interface is the specified label.

    downstreamNotLabel (5)

    The replying router is a downstream router, and the mapping for this FEC on the router interface is not the specified label.

    downstreamNotMac (6)

    The replying router is a downstream router, but it does not have the specified MAC address.

    downstreamNotMacFlood (7)

    The replying router is a downstream router, but it does not have the specified MAC address and cannot flood the request to other routers.

    malformedEchoRequest (8)

    The received echo request is malformed.

    tlvNotUnderstood (9)

    One or more TLVs were not understood.

    downstreamNotInMFib (10)

    The replying router is a downstream router, but it is not part of the MFIB.

    downstreamMismatched (11)

    The downstream mapping is mismatched.

    upstreamIfIdUnkn (12)

    The upstream interface index is unknown.

    noMplsFwd (13)

    The label switched successfully but MPLS forwarding did not occur at stack-depth.

    noLabelAtStackDepthh (14)

    The label entry at stack-depth did not occur.

    protoIntfMismatched (15)

    The protocol is not associated with the interface at FEC stack-depth.

    terminatedByOneLabel (16)

    The ping was terminated prematurely due to the label stack shrinking to a single label.

    seeDDMapForRetCodeSubCode (17)

    See DDMap TLV for the return code and sub-return code.

    fecStackChange (18)

    The label switched with an FEC stack change.

  5. For multicast router OAM diagnostics, the key information includes information that is related to adjacent routers, supported protocols, traffic metrics, and time-to-live thresholds. Administrators can use this information to identify bidirectional adjacency relationships.

  6. For multicast trace OAM diagnostics, the key information is the result of the diagnostic, displayed in the status message. The following table lists the displayed messages and descriptions.

    Table 89-16: Multicast trace OAM diagnostics results

    Displayed message


    noError (0)

    No error.

    wrongIf (1)

    The router is not forwarding the multicast source or group traffic because the router is not part of the multicast path.

    pruneSent (2)

    The router sent a prune request upstream that impacts the multicast source and group in the trace request.

    pruneRecvd (3)

    The router stopped forwarding traffic for the multicast source and group in response to a request from the next hop router.

    scoped (4)

    The multicast group is subject to administrative scoping.

    noRoute (5)

    The router has no route for the multicast source or group and no way to determine a potential route.

    wrongLastHop (6)

    The router is not the correct last-hop router.

    notForwarding (7)

    The router is not forwarding the multicast source or group traffic for an unspecified reason.

    reachedRP (8)

    Request arrived on the rendezvous point or core.

    rpfIf (9)

    The request arrived on the expected RPF interface.

    noMulticast (10)

    The request arrived on an interface that is not enabled for multicast traffic.

    infoHidden (11)

    One or more hops are hidden from the trace.

    fatalError (12)

    Fatal error.

    noSpace (129)

    There is insufficient room to insert another response data block in the packet.

    oldRouter (130)

    The previous router hop cannot process the multicast trace request.

    adminProhib (131)

    The multicast trace was administratively prohibited.

    unknown (132)

    Unknown error.

  7. For most diagnostics, common return codes are used. The return codes indicate the status of OAM tests, usually when there was a problem performing the test. The following table lists return codes and descriptions.

    Table 89-17: OAM diagnostics return codes

    Return code


    notApplicable (0)

    A response was received on the device which is not applicable to the OAM diagnostic performed.

    responseReceived (1)

    A response to the OAM diagnostic was received on the device.

    unknown (2)

    The OAM diagnostic failed for an unknown reason.

    internalError (3)

    An internal error on the device caused the diagnostic to not be performed.

    maxConcurrentLimitReached (4)

    The device cannot perform the OAM diagnostics because there are too many OAM diagnostic operations already running.

    requestTimedOut (5)

    The OAM diagnostic could not be completed because no reply was received within the allocated timeout period.

    unknownOrigSdpId (6)

    Indicates an invalid or non-existent originating service tunnel.

    downOrigSdpId (7)

    The originating service tunnel is operationally down.

    requestTerminated (8)

    The OAM diagnostic was canceled before the timeout or reply period was reached.

    invalidOriginatorId (9)

    The far-end device replied indicating that the originating ID was invalid.

    invalidResponderId (10)

    The far-end device replied with an invalid responding ID.

    unknownRespSdpId (11)

    The far-end device replied with an invalid response service tunnel ID.

    downRespSdpId (12)

    The responding service tunnel with the given ID is operationally or administratively down.

    invalidServiceId (13)

    An invalid or non-existent service ID.

    invalidSdp (14)

    An invalid or non-existent service tunnel for the service.

    downServiceSdp (15)

    The service tunnel bound to the service is down.

    noServiceEgressLabel (16)

    The egress label for the service does not exist.

    invalidHostAddress (17)

    The IP address for the host is invalid, for example, in the case of a broadcast or multicast IP address.

    invalidMacAddress (18)

    The MAC address specified in the OAM diagnostic is invalid.

    invalidLspName (19)

    The LSP name specified in the OAM diagnostic is invalid.

    macIsLocal (20)

    The MAC address is the local SAP or device MAC address, not the MAC address of the downstream SAP or device, therefore the MAC ping or trace cannot be sent.

    farEndUnreachable (21)

    No route is available to the far-end GRE service tunnel.

    downOriginatorId (22)

    The originating ping device is operationally down.

    downResponderId (23)

    The device responding to the ping is operationally down.

    changedResponderId (24)

    The ID of the device responding to the ping has changed.

    downOrigSvcId (25)

    The originating service identified by the ID is operationally down.

    downRespSvcId (26)

    The service responding to the ping identified by the ID is operationally down.

    noServiceIngressLabel (27)

    The ingress label for the service does not exist.

    mismatchCustId (28)

    The subscriber ID identified with the service differs between the originating device and the responding device.

    mismatchSvcType (29)

    The service type identified with the service differs from one device to another.

    mismatchSvcMtu (30)

    The service MTU size associated with the service differs between the originating device and the responding device.

    mismatchSvcLabel (31)

    The service label identified with the service differs between the originating device and the responding device.

    noSdpBoundToSvc (32)

    There is no service tunnel bound to the service.

    downOrigSdpBinding (33)

    The service tunnel associated with the originating device’s service is operationally down.

    invalidLspPathName (34)

    The LSP path name specified in the OAM diagnostic is invalid.

    noLspEndpointAddr (35)

    There is no LSP endpoint address specified in the OAM diagnostic.

    noActiveLspPath (36)

    There is no active LSP path.

    downLspPath (37)

    The far end of the LSP is operationally down.

    invalidLspProtocol (38)

    The LSP protocol is not valid or is not supported.

    invalidLspLabel (39)

    The LSP label is invalid.

    routeIsLocal (40)

    For a VPRN ping, the route is a local route.

    noRouteToDest (41)

    For a VPRN ping, there is no route available to the destination of the OAM diagnostic.

    localExtranetRoute (42)

    For a VPRN ping, the route is a local extranet route.

    srcIpInBgpVpnRoute (43)

    For a VPRN ping, the source IP address belongs to a BGP VPN route.

    srcIpInvalid (44)

    For a VPRN ping, the source IP address is invalid or no route is available to the source IP address.

    bgpDaemonBusy (45)

    For a VPRN trace, the BGP routing process is busy on the device, and VPRN route target information cannot be retrieved.

    mcastNotEnabled (46)

    Multicast is not enabled on the device, so the diagnostic cannot be performed.

    mTraceNoSGFlow (47)

    No (*,G)/(S,G) flow on the router. The multicast trace cannot be initiated.

    mTraceSysIpNotCfg (48)

    The system IP address is not configured. The address is required for a response to a multicast trace.

    noFwdEntryInMfib (49)

    No forwarding entry could be found for the specified source and destination addresses in the MFIB.

    dnsNameNotFound (50)

    The domain name specified in the dns query does not exist.

    noSocket (51)

    For icmp-ping, unable to get socket.

    socketOptVprnIdFail (52)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set SO_VPRNID for socket.

    socketOptIfInexFail (53)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_IFINDEX for socket.

    socketOptNextHopFail (54)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_NEXT_HOP for socket.

    socketOptMtuDiscFail (55)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_MTU_DISC for socket.

    socketOptSndbufFail (56)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set SO_SNDBUF for socket.

    socketOptHdrincFail (57)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_HDRINCL for socket.

    socketOptTosFail (58)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_TOS for socket.

    socketOptTtlFail (59)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_TTL for socket.

    bindSocketFail (60)

    For icmp-ping, unable to bind socket.

    noRouteByIntf (61)

    For icmp-ping, no route to destination via the specified interface.

    noIntf (62)

    For icmp-ping, no interface specified.

    noLocalIp (63)

    For icmp-ping, unable to find local IP address.

    sendtoFail (64)

    For icmp-ping, the send to function failed.

    rcvdWrongType (65)

    For icmp-ping, received packet of wrong ICMP type.

    noDirectInterface (66)

    For icmp-ping, no direct interface to reach destination.

    nexthopUnreachable (67)

    For icmp-ping, unable to reach the next-hop.

    socketOptHwTimeStampFail (68)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_TIM_TIME for socket.

    noSpokeSdpInVll (69)

    For vccv-ping, unable to find spoke-sdp given SdpId:vc-id.

    farEndVccvNotSupported (70)

    For vccv-ping, far end does not support the VCCV options.

    noVcEgressLabel (71)

    For vccv-ping, no VC egress label to send vccv-ping

    socketOptIpSessionFail (72)

    For icmp-ping, unable to set IP_SESSION for socket.

    rcvdWrongSize (73)

    For icmp-ping, received packet of wrong size.

    dnsLookupFail (74)

    For icmp-ping, dns lookup failed.

    noIpv6SrcAddrOnIntf (75)

    For icmp-ping, no ipv6 source on the interface.

    multipathNotSupported (76)

    For lsp-trace, downstream NE does not support multipath.

    nhIntfNameNotFound (77)

    For lsp-ping/trace, given next-hop interface name not found.

    msPwInvalidReplyMode (78)

    For vccv-ping, MS-PW switching NE supports ip-routed reply mode only.

    ancpNoAncpString (79)

    ANCP string unknown to the system.

    ancpNoSubscriber (80)

    Subscriber unknown to the system.

    ancpNoAncpStringForSubscriber (81)

    Subscriber has no associated ANCP string.

    ancpNoAccessNodeforAncpString (82)

    No access NE is found for the given ANCP string.

    ancpNoAncpCapabilityNegotiated (83)

    ANCP capability not negotiated with the involved DSLAM.

    ancpOtherTestInProgress (84)

    Another ANCP test is running for this ANCP string.

    ancpMaxNbrAncpTestsInProgress (85)

    Maximum number of concurrent ANCP tests reached.

    spokeSdpOperDown (86)

    For vccv-ping, spoke-sdp is operationally down.

    noMsPwVccvInReplyDir (87)

    Switching NE in MS-PW with no VCCV support in echo reply direction.

    p2mpLspNameOrInstInvalid (88)

    P2MP LSP name or instance provided is not valid.

    p2mpLspS2LPathDown (89)

    LSP path to S2L is down.

    p2mpLspS2LAddressInvalid (90)

    One or more S2L addresses is not valid.

    p2mpLspNotOperational (91)

    P2MP LSP is operationally down.

    p2mpLspTrMultipleReplies (92)

    Probe returned multiple responses. Result may be inconsistent.

    invalidMepId (93)

    The user-configured MEP identifier is not valid.

    multipleReplies (94)

    More than one reply received, when only one was expected.

    packetSizeTooBig (95)

    Packet size is too big.

    gtpPingError (96)

    General GTP Ping error.

    gtpPingRsrcUnavailable (97)

    GTP Path management resource unavailable.

    gtpPingDupRequest (98)

    Duplicate request for the same peer.

    gtpPingCleanUpInProg (99)

    GTP Path management clean up in progress.

    invalidInterface (100)

    The specified egress interface does not exist.

    p2mpLspNotFound (101)

    The P2MP-LSP not found given LDP-ID or sender-address.

    ethCfmSlmInLoss (102)

    Synthetic Loss Measurement (SLM) probe lost in transit from far-end node to local agent.

    ethCfmSlmOutLoss (103)

    SLM probe lost on transmit from local agent to far-end node.

    ethCfmSlmUnacknowledged (104)

    SLM probe lost but unable to identify loss reason.

    spokeSdpFecNoBndFound (105)

    Spoke-sdp-fec is invalid or has no associated SDP binding yet.

    mtraceNotSupportedP2mp (106)

    Mtrace not supported in base routing context when incoming interface is P2MP.

    useFec129Parameters (107)

    Specify FEC129 parameters for FEC129 PW instead of sdp-id:vc-id.

    dnsServerUnexpectedResponse (108)

    The nameserver received an unexpected response.

    dnsServerResponseFormErr (109)

    The nameserver responded with FORMERR.

    dnsServerResponseServFail (110)

    The nameserver responded with SERVFAIL.

    dnsServerResponseNotImp (111)

    The nameserver responded with NOTIMP.

    dnsServerResponseRefused (112)

    The nameserver responded with REFUSED.

    sendFailUndefinedServiceId (113)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated service does not exist.

    sendFailWrongServiceType (114)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated service is of the wrong type.

    sendFailSubnettedService (115)

    The OAM test cannot be performed on a service with a specified mac subnet length.

    invalidRespServiceId (116)

    Invalid or non-existent responder Service-ID.

    adminDownOrigSdpBind (117)

    SDP binding is administratively down on the originator side.

    operDownRespSdpBind (118)

    SDP binding is operationally down on the responder side.

    adminDownRespSdpBind (119)

    SDP binding is administratively down on the responder side.

    sdpBindVcidMismatch (120)

    SDP binding VC ID mismatch between originator and responder.

    sdpBindTypeMismatch (121)

    SDP binding type mismatch between originator and responder.

    sdpBindVcTypeMismatch (122)

    SDP binding VC type mismatch between originator and responder.

    sdpBindVlanVcTagMismatch (123)

    SDP binding VLAN VC tag mismatch between originator and responder.

    adminDownOrigSvc (124)

    Service on the originator side is administratively down.

    adminDownRespSvc (125)

    Service on the responder side is administratively down.

    adminDownOrigSdpId (126)

    The originating SDP-ID is administratively down.

    adminDownRespSdpId (127)

    The responding SDP-ID is administratively down.

    mTraceSourceIsNotRemote (128)

    The multicast trace route test cannot be performed because the source address is not remote.

    invalidVirtualRouterId (129)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated virtual router ID is invalid.

    ldpPrefixIsLocal (130)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated LDP prefix is local to the system.

    sourceIpIsNotLocal (131)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated source address is not local to the system.

    nextHopIpIsLocal (132)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated next hop address is local to the system.

    targetIpIsLocal (133)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated target address is local to the system.

    invalidControlPlaneOption (134)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the control plane send or receive option is not allowed with the specified service.

    iomRevisionNotSupported (135)

    The OAM test cannot be performed due to a mismatch in supported revision with the provisioned IOMs.

    invalidSourceMacOption (136)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the source MAC option is not allowed with the specified service.

    sendFailSpbMgdService (137)

    The OAM test cannot be performed on a service which is managed by SPB.

    useStaticPwParameters (138)

    The spoke SDP is configured for static PW.

    type1Fec129PwNotSupported (139)

    The OAM test is not supported on type 1 FEC129 pseudowires.

    mplsTpLspPathNotOperational (140)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the MPLS-TP LSP path is not operational.

    invalidStaticMplsTpLsp (141)

    The OAM test only supports static MPLS-TP LSPs.

    controlWordNotValid (142)

    The control-word for the spoke-SDP is not valid for this OAM test.

    pwPathIdNotConfigured (143)

    The pw-path-id provisioning is not complete.

    notSupportedOnVcSwitchService (144)

    The OAM test is not supported on a VC-switching service.

    sdpFarEndNotSupported (145)

    The OAM test does not support the SDP far-end value.

    mplsTpLspPathShutdown (146)

    The MPLS-TP path is currently shut down.

    forceOptionIsBlocked (147)

    The force option is currently blocked because of the configuration of a related entity.

    intfForLspPathIsNotOperational (148)

    The interface for the LSP path is not operational.

    ttlExpired (149)

    The destination could not be reached because the time-to-live (IPv4) or hop limit (IPv6) was too small. This results from an ICMPv4 type 11 code 0 or ICMPv6 type 3 code 0 message.

    networkUnreachable (150)

    The network specified by the destination address is unreachable. This results from an ICMPv4 type 3 code 0 or ICMPv6 type 1 code 0 message.

    hostUnreachable (151)

    The host specified by the destination address is unreachable. This results from an ICMPv4 type 3 code 1 or ICMPv6 type 1 code 3 message.

    bgpLabelPrefixIsLocal (152)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated BGP Label Route prefix is local to the system.

    bgpLabelPrefixUnknown (153)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the BGP target FEC prefix entry is not found in the Routing Table.

    ldpPrefixUnknown (154)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the LDP target FEC prefix entry is not found in the routing table.

    l2tpv3DeliveryTypeUnsupported (155)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the L2TPv3 delivery type is unsupported.

    vPingPeerCvNoLspPing (156)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the peer CV bits do not support LSP ping.

    vPingPeerCcNoCtrlWord (157)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the peer CC bits do not support control word.

    sendFailEvpnCfgdServiceX (158)

    The OAM test cannot be performed on a VPLS service that has EVPN configured.

    sendFailEvpnCfgdServiceX (158)

    The OAM test cannot be performed on a VPLS service that has EVPN configured.

    sendFailed (159)

    The OAM test cannot send the test packet.

    minimumPacketSizeNotMet (160)

    The OAM test cannot send the test packet as the minimum required packet size exceeds the user supplied packet size.

    invalidTargetFecType (161)

    The OAM test does not support this FEC type.

    p2mpLspPingNotSupportedOnMgmtRtr (162)

    The OAM p2mpLspPing test is not supported on the management router.

    ipv4SdpFarEndsOnly (163)

    The OAM test only supports bindings and SDPs using an IPv4 far end.

    vxlanEgrBndSvcMismatch (164)

    The OAM test cannot send packets to a VXLAN egress binding not owned by the same service as the one sending.

    vxlanNoMatchingTep (165)

    The OAM test can only send to VTEPs that have been configured.

    vxlanEvpnUnconfigured (166)

    The OAM test can only send on a service with EVPN configured.

    ipv6SdpFarEndsNotSupported (167)

    The OAM test does not support bindings and SDPs using an IPv6 far end.

    oamTestOverSRTunNotSupported (168)

    The OAM test is not supported on SR tunnels.

    sendFailEvpnCfgdPbbService (169)

    The OAM test cannot be performed on a VPLS/Epipe service that is associated with a b-vpls that has EVPN configured.

    txPortDown (170)

    The transmit port is operationally down.

    noTxPort (171)

    No transmit port.

    parentAdminDown (172)

    The parent (SPOKE, SAP, SVC or PORT) of the MEP is admin shutdown.

    destMacResolveFail (173)

    Unable to resolve the remote-mepid to a unicast layer2 MAC address.

    vxlanIpV6TermUnsupported (174)

    The OAM test does not support IPv6 tunnel termination points.

    ipPrefixIsLocal (175)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the associated IP prefix is local to the system.

    ipPrefixUnknown (176)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the Target FEC prefix entry is not found in the Routing table.

    greEthBrdgdDelvryTypeUnsupported (177)

    The OAM test cannot be performed because the GRE Ethernet Bridged delivery type is unsupported.

    mtrace2Disabled (178)

    The mtrace2 test cannot be performed because mtrace2 is disabled at the system level.

End of steps