To create an FPE
Before you begin
Use this procedure to configure a Forward Path Extension on an NE for traffic pre-processing. FPE is supported on the following NEs:
Creation of a PXC or LAG path is required for enabling PwPort or a VXLAN. For a LAG path, two LAGs are required. LAG members should be PXC SubPorts.
When the FPE path is composed of PXC SubPorts (PXC path), the direction b sub-port is the egress sub-port. When the FPE path is composed of a pair of LAGs, the LAG configured as the FPE Xb LAG represents the egress direction, regardless of the direction of the SubPorts in the LAG.
To use the FPE for PW Port FPE on an Epipe service site, the Pw Port parameter must be enabled. To use the FPE for VXLAN tunnel termination, Vxlan termination must be enabled.
Supported breakout ports can be associated to a PXC. The PXC ports can added to either a LAG or an FPE. The LAG with the PXC can be associated to the FPE.