CLI mapping
The following table contains an example of NFM-P service objects and CLI mapping to create a customer and an Epipe service.
Table 19-1: Sample service NFM-P object and CLI mapping
NFM-P Epipe model |
CLI Epipe model (CLI commands) |
Subscriber - subscr.Subscriber |
customer |
Epipe Service - epipe.Epipe |
service |
Epipe Site - epipe.Site | |
Epipe Access Interface - vll.L2AccessInterface |
sap |
Spoke SDP Binding - svt.SpokeSdpBinding |
spoke-sdp |
configure service customer <customer-id>
configure service <service-type> <service-id> customer <customer-id>
where <service-type> in CLI is the appropriate service class. For example, when the <service-type> is epipe, the class is epipe.Epipe to create the service.
In the XML API, the service site must also be created. For example, when the <service-type> is epipe, the class for the service site is epipe.Site.
configure service <service-type> <service-id> customer <customer-id>
sap 1/1/4:23
sap in CLI is the access interface class in the XML API. For example, when the access interface is for an epipe, the class is vll.L2AccessInterface to create the SAP.
The 1/1/4:23 in CLI is configured with the following properties under the vll.L2AccessInterface class:
configure service <service-type> <service-id> customer <customer-id>
spoke-sdp 165:5
spoke-sdp in CLI is the svt.SpokeSdpBinding class in the XML API for creating the spoke SDP binding
The 165:5 in CLI is configured with the following properties under the svt.SpokeSdpBinding class:
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