Creating service with site, access interface, and SDP binding in one request


The following example shows an XML request to create a VPLS, site, access interface, and SDP binding in one request. This method can be used for other types of services.

Looking at the specific service object class in the XML API Reference, under the Children Hierarchy and the specific attribute, you can determine what child objects are configured for the service object. The following figure displays the children hierarchy of the vpls.Vpls object.

Figure 19-9: Children hierarchy of the vpls.Vpls object
Children hierarchy of the vpls.Vpls object

The XML request to set the VPLS site inside the VPLS service must be enclosed in the <children-Set> tags. The XML request example does not include all of the properties required to create a working service.

See the XML API Reference for the service object class under the Children Hierarchy and the specific attribute, to determine the child objects that can be configured for this service object.

Service creation parameters

Figure 19-10: Service creation request example including site, SAP, and SDP binding
<generic.GenericObject.configureChildInstance xmlns="xmlapi_1.0">

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