Identifying XML messages from specific users


Perform the following procedure to enable the logging of the XML API request, response, and exception messages on the NFM-P. The entries in the XML message log files can help you identify the XML requests of a user, multiple users, or of all of the users. See Logging XML requests, responses, and exceptions in Chapter 9, XML message structure for more information about the logging of XML messages.

You must update the nms-sever.xml file on each NFM-P main server with DEBUG logging to view OSS template information in NFM-P server logs.



Service Disruption

Contact your Nokia technical support representative before you attempt to modify the nms-server.xml file.

Modifying the nms-server.xml file can have serious consequences that can include service disruption.



Service Disruption

The purpose of the XML message log is to enable developers to evaluate the interaction of a third-party application with the XML API. The logging consumes system resources and may degrade performance in a live system.

It is strongly recommended that you enable the logging only in an OSS application development environment.


Log in to the main server station as the nsp user.

Navigate to the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/config directory.

Create a backup copy of the nms-server.xml file.

Open the nms-server.xml file using a plain-text editor.

Locate the <systemOssiLog> element.

Modify the attributes of the <systemOssiLog> element to enable the log option for an individual user or multiple users. The NFM-P creates a unique log file for each HTTP request and response associated with each user. The request log contains the body of the SOAP message. The response log contains the entire SOAP envelope of the response.

  1. To log the XML messages for all users, edit the section to read:


    The above example creates files named ossiuserRequestn.log and ossiuserResponsen+.log in the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/log/individual directory


    user is the NFM-P user name

    n is the incremental request number

  2. To log the XML messages for a single user, edit the section to read:



    minutes is the time, in minutes, that the NFM-P retains the log files; when the parameter is absent, the default is 1440, which is equivalent to one day

    user is the NFM-P user name

    The above example creates files named ossiuserRequestn.log and ossiuserResponsen.log in the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/log/individual directory


    user is the NFM-P user name

    n is the incremental request number

To change the log file retention period, add the "timeToKeepLogFile="minutes" attribute to the <systemOssiLog> element:

        "timeToKeepLogFile="minutes" />

where minutes is the number of minutes to retain log files

When the timeToKeepLogFile attribute is not entered in the <systemOssiLog> element, the default is 24 h.

Save and close the nms-server.xml file.

Open a console window.


Navigate to the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin directory.


Enter the following at the prompt:

bash$ ./nmsserver.bash read_config ↵

The main server reads the nms-server.xml file and puts the configuration changes into effect.

End of steps

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