Workflow to configure an MPLS path, LSP, and service tunnel


The following workflow lists the high-level steps required to configure an MPLS path, LSP, and service tunnel. Each step represents an XML configuration request. See the XML API SDK Sample Code Navigator for sample XML scripts.

This workflow assumes that at least one IGP is enabled and configured on all participating NEs and includes the system interface. See Routing protocol configuration for more information.


Enable MPLS routing on all applicable routers and L3 interfaces.

Assign a network interface to an MPLS instance.

Create a full mesh of MPLS path which is the route to be used by an LSP, between the routers using the L3 interfaces.

Create a full mesh of LSPs and bind to the MPLS paths.

Create service tunnels between all routers that have access ports. The service tunnels direct traffic from one router to another. You must create service tunnels in both directions because service tunnels are unidirectional.

  1. As required, create a GRE service tunnel.

  2. As required, create an MPLS LSP service tunnel.

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