Statistics retrieval methods

Functional description

You can collect statistics data using the following methods:

Statistics retrieval using the registerLogToFile or findToFile method requires a RHEL user account on each main or auxiliary server from which statistics are to be collected. Such a user account requires FTP or SFTP access, depending on whether TLS is enabled on the XML API. See Configuring FTP and SFTP access for OSS clients for the specific requirements and best practices for creating OSS client user accounts.

Note: It is recommended that you use the registerLogToFile file method to minimize collection latency and to reduce system load. The findToFile method can be used when less than 400 000 statistics records are retrieved in 15 minutes, and when greater collection latency is acceptable.

Note: AA Cflowd statistics are not available via the XML API, however an external target file server can obtain the statistics from the NSP Flow Collectors. See Collecting Application Assurance (AA) accounting statistics for more information.

Configuring FTP and SFTP access for OSS clients

Each OSS client that retrieves data files from a main or auxiliary server using FTP or SFTP requires a RHEL user account on the server.

An OSS client user account on a main or auxiliary server has the following requirements.

It is recommended that you observe the following best practices when creating an OSS client user account on a main or auxiliary server.

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