Workflow to retrieve statistics data


Use the registerLogToFile method or the findToFile method to transfer statistics log records from the NFM-P database to an OSS client application.


As required, configure the system preferences associated with exported statistics files (applies to the registerLogToFile method only) on an NFM-P server such as the default log file retention time, log file rollover time, or the number of JMS client connection checks. See the system preferences configuration procedures in the NSP System Administrator Guide for more information.

Construct a SOAP request to perform one of the following:

  1. Use the registerLogToFile method to create accounting or performance statistics export files.

    1. Specify the statistics class or classes.

    2. Specify a location for the exported data files.

    3. Specify whether to compress the files.

    4. Specify the attributes to include in the exported data records.

    5. If required, specify a filter to restrict the list of NEs for which data is exported.

  2. Use the findToFile method to retrieve specific accounting or performance statistics.

    1. Specify the log record name.

    2. Specify an XML export format.

    3. Specify the name for the exported data file.

    4. Specify a filter to limit the amount of data stored in the file.

    5. Specify whether to compress the file.

Send the request.

Receive a response or exception to the request.

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