Alarm sources
The sources that initiate NFM-P alarm notifications are:
Network traps
The NFM-P monitors network health by listening for traps from the managed network elements. These SNMP traps may indicate conditions that include configuration or operational state changes, security breach attempts, and equipment faults.
When the NFM-P detects a fault in the network, one or more alarms are generated, depending on the cause of the fault. When an alarm is created, modified or deleted the JMS messages that contain the alarm information are sent to interested listeners.
Note: Although the NFM-P receives network information in traps and generating alarms about fault conditions in the network, the traps are not directly mapped to alarms.
NFM-P alarms
The NFM-P generates alarms based on network conditions; the alarms do not apply to specific NEs. The alarms provide information including: faults and changes to the NFM-P server system, database, redundancy, users, and logs.
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