To configure remote findToFile result storage
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For each XML API client application, create a directory on the remote station below the directory associated with the findToFile method. In the following example, the findToFile method uses a directory called XML API, and there are three client applications: .../XMLAPI/clientapp1 .../XMLAPI/clientapp2 .../XMLAPI/clientapp3 |
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Enable read and write permissions for each directory created in Step 1. |
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Create an FTP account for use by the XML API clients. The FTP account home directory must be the directory associated with the findToFile method, for example, XMLAPI. |
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Specify the appropriate client directory in the <fileName> section of the request for each client, as shown in the following example, which uses a directory named in Step 1: <fileName> [s]ftp://user:password@host:port/clientapp1/output_file </fileName> End of steps |
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