Workflow to set up alarm management


The following workflow lists the high-level steps required to set up alarm management.


Establish a JMS subscription. See NFM-P JMS client configuration and testing for more information about creating a JMS consumer.

Retrieve inventory information for the required elements in the network. See Recommended durable JMS client operation for how to perform a retrieval without losing events during a retrieval of inventory.

If required, retrieve objects that affect or are related to the required network objects using fm.FaultManager.findObjectsAffectionOfn and fm.FaultManager.findObjectsRelatedToOfn methods. See the XML API Reference for more information about the methods.

Retrieve alarms for the network elements of interest using fm.FaultManager.findAlarmsForOfn. See the XML API Reference for more information.

As required, configure alarm policies. See Alarm policies for more information.

As required, acknowledge, clear, or promote/demote the alarms. See Alarm management for more information.

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