PM Session OAM


PM Session CFM testing is based on Metro Ethernet Forum Specification 35 - Service OAM Performance Monitoring Implementation Agreement. Testing is performed in Layer 2 networks. The reporting of results occurs at standardized measurement intervals (15 minutes, 1 hour, and 1 day), and comprises a statistical summary of the results of individual test frames.

The PM Session testing framework can also be utilized in the IP domain to perform TWAMP IP level monitoring, and handles both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The TWAMP Light test targets Layer 3 interfaces. It provides an option to monitor IP SLA performance as related to KPI.

Figure 12-2, PM session statistics request example shows a request example for PM Session statistics using the registerSasLogToFile method. The <fullClassName> entries are the XML classes for the OAM PM accounting statistics that are available. They include:

Figure 12-2: PM session statistics request example

See the following in the NSP NFM-P Classic Management User Guide for more information about the supported PM Session tests:

See the NSP NFM-P Statistics Management Guide for information about viewing statistics data and graphing statistics using the NFM-P Statistics Plotter. Both historical and real-time plots are supported for OAM PM.

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