CPAM OSS interface


The CPAM is an IP/MPLS control plane management system that allows service providers to offer network and service availability, and diagnose control plane configuration errors, malfunctions, and undetected routing updates. The CPAM facilitates service problem resolution over an IP/MPLS infrastructure.

The CPAM OSS interface includes CPAM packages and methods that provide a smooth integration path for the export of real-time protocol or IP-level topology to advanced OSS applications, such as TE tools.

The following CPAM features are of interest to OSS developers:

OSS applications can use the XML API to create, configure, and manage CPAM objects based on the XML schema. The user privileges associated with an OSS user define the ability to configure NFM-P objects. See the chapter on NFM-P user security in the NSP System Administrator Guide for information about assigning permissions to NFM-P user groups and user accounts. See the NSP NFM-P Control Plane Assurance Manager User Guide for specific scope of command roles and the associated permissions for CPAM objects.

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