To enable logging of GUI operations on the NFM-P server
Service Disruption |
It is recommended that the logging of GUI operations be enabled only on an NFM-P system in a lab or development environment.
Enabling logging on an NFM-P system in a live network can seriously degrade server performance.
Contact your Nokia technical support representative before you attempt to modify the nms-server.xml file. Modifying the nms-server.xml file can have serious consequences that can include service disruption.
1 |
Log in to the NFM-P main server station as the nsp user.
2 |
Open the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/config/nms-server.xml file using a plain-text editor.
3 |
Locate the <Filter> tag in the <systemLog> section of the file.
4 |
Add the following line directly after the line that begins with <!-- Don’t change this section END -->.
<include severity="debug" class=".*IFGBase" method="printDebug.*"/>
5 |
Save and close the nms-server.xml file.
6 |
Open a console window.
7 |
Navigate to the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/bin directory.
8 |
Enter the following at the console prompt to restart the NFM-P server:
bash$ ./nmsserver.bash force_restart ↵
The NFM-P main server restarts, and all subsequent GUI and OSS actions are logged in the /opt/nsp/nfmp/server/nms/log/server EmsServer.log file.
End of steps |
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