What is an artifact bundle?
Artifact bundle overview
An artifact bundle is a collection of artifacts that may make up a specific use case, for example, an NE backup, which may involve few artifacts, or a complex service rollout use case that involves many artifacts.
Artifacts are packaged for download as bundles, in zip format. You can obtain bundles from the Nokia NSP software download site and, in most cases, install them from the NSP Artifact Bundles view.
Artifacts are read-only in the NSP UI. You perform operations on artifact bundles, and the NSP manages the artifacts in the bundle accordingly.
When you import an artifact bundle from local storage to Artifacts and install it, the artifacts are installed by the dedicated deployers for the artifact type; for example, the Network Intents deployer installs intent type artifacts. After installation, the artifacts appear in the Artifacts, All Artifacts view.
Artifacts that were not installed from the Artifact Bundles view, such as adaptors, are not displayed in the All Artifacts view. You can list the installed adaptors using the ./adaptor-suite.bash --list command; see “How do I install adaptor artifacts that are not supported in the Artifacts view?” in the NSP System Administrator Guide.
Artifact bundle parameters
The following table describes the parameters that appear on the Artifacts, Artifact Bundles view.
Table 2-2: Artifact bundle parameters
Parameter |
Predefined values |
Notes |
Bundle Name |
— |
If a bundle has a verified signature, the certificate is displayed, followed by the bundle’s name. |
Author |
— |
If a bundle has a verified signature, the author is displayed. |
Version |
— |
Version number of the bundle. Artifacts in the bundle may have different version numbers. |
Number of Artifacts |
— |
The number of artifacts in the bundle. This parameter is displayed when the bundle is installed. |
Status |
Importing |
The bundle is being imported. |
Imported |
The bundle has been imported to NSP. | |
Installing |
At least one artifact in the artifact bundle is in an interim state: installation has not succeeded or failed yet. | |
Installed |
Installation has completed successfully for all artifacts in the bundle. | |
Partially Installed |
Installation of one or more artifacts in the bundle has succeeded, and installation of one or more artifacts has failed. | |
Installation Failed |
Installation has failed for all artifacts in the bundle. | |
Verification Failed |
The bundle signature is not valid. | |
Creation failed |
One or more artifacts of the bundle have incompatible names. or there are syntax issues with the metadata.json file | |
Uninstalling |
The artifacts in the bundle are being uninstalled. | |
Uninstalled |
Uninstallation has completed successfully for all artifacts in the bundle. | |
Partially Uninstalled |
Uninstallation of one or more artifacts in the bundle has succeeded, and uninstallation of one or more artifacts has failed. | |
Uninstallation Failed |
Uninstallation has failed for all artifacts in the bundle. | |
Waiting |
The bundle is imported but the target has not yet responded to the installation request. | |
Skipped |
Artifact bundle installation was skipped because the target application responsible for installing the artifacts is not part of the deployment. View the Artifact List to see the target application; refer to “NSP product offerings” in the NSP System Architecture Guide to determine which feature package and installation options must be configured to install the target application. | |
Obsolete |
All the artifacts in the bundle have become obsolete. | |
Import Time |
— |
— |