How do I add or change a View file?
Use this procedure to add or update a viewConfig file.
The ArtifactAdmin label is used to indicate that an intent type has been installed using Artifacts. For these intent types, if you want to make changes to views, Nokia recommends creating a new view instead of modifying views. This will allow you to export the views you create and save them to be added into any future versions of the intent type created.
ViewConfig Builder
The ViewConfig Builder form provides a UI for configuring a viewConfig file. You can customize how each attribute in the intent type YANG appears for users when they create intents, for example, updating the title of an attribute, how it is represented visually, and whether helper text or default values are presented. You can also update the behavior, such as setting the attribute to read only.
Attributes can also be hidden or deleted from the intent creation form:
hidden: the attribute is invisible in the intent creation form but is included in the payload when the form is submitted.
For example, if you want to set a read-only value for an attribute that is different from the YANG file value, you can set a default value and hide the attribute. The updated value is submitted along with the form when an intent is created but is not shown to the user creating the intent.
deleted: the attribute is invisible in the intent creation form and is not included in the payload.
For example, you can delete a value if you want to always use the YANG default value.
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From Network Intents, Intent Types, double click on an intent type. From the page that displays, click MANAGE VIEWS. The Manage Views form opens. |
2 |
To add a View file:
Proceed to Step 3 to customize the viewConfig file. |
3 |
Open the ViewConfig Builder form: In the Manage Views form, select a viewConfig file and click The ViewConfig Builder form opens, displaying the attributes in the viewConfig file. Figure 4-2, Example ViewConfig Builder form shows an example. Figure 4-2: Example ViewConfig Builder form |
4 |
To hide or delete one or more attributes:
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To show or undelete one or more attributes:
6 |
To make other adjustments to an attribute: . Figure 4-3, Example Adjust Attribute form shows an example. Figure 4-3: Example Adjust Attribute form |
7 |
To save your changes to the viewConfig file, click SAVE VIEWCONFIG. A confirmation dialog appears if changes to the viewConfig file may impact another NSP function. Click SAVE to confirm. |
8 |
Click CLOSE to return to the Manage Views form. |
9 |
To attach a viewConfig file as a child of another:
The child viewConfig and its schema form appear as a child in the list, below the parent viewConfig file. Click |
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To detach a child viewConfig file from its parent, select the child viewConfig file and click |
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Click CLOSE. End of steps |