How do I import files from my computer?


Files with various filename extensions can be imported:

  • packages (.zip)

  • workflows (.yaml)

  • environment files (.env)

  • actions (.action)

  • Jinja2 templates (.jinja)

Multiple files of different types can be imported in the same operation. Workflows are imported in DRAFT status.

Workflow zip files can contain input files in JSON format. The JSON file should have the same name as the workflow, for example, workflow1.json.


Open one of the following:

  1. Workflows, Workflows

  2. Workflows, Actions

  3. Workflows, Environments

  4. Workflows, Jinja2

Note: You can import any accepted file type from any page that supports importing.

Open the Import form:

  1. From Workflows, Workflows, click the IMPORT drop-down list and choose File System.

  2. From another view, click IMPORT .

In the Import form, perform one of the following steps to select your file.

  1. Navigate to a file or files on your computer and drag them to the panel at the top of the form.

  2. Click in the panel at the top of the form to navigate to the file you want. Click Open.

The file names appear in the Files to Import panel.


The Import Results panel displays the status of the import of each file, with explanations for failed imports.

Click CLOSE.

End of steps