What is artifact version management?

Artifact version management

NSP supports version control for artifacts. Artifact versions are managed by the target deployer responsible for the artifact type.

For example, the unique identifier for a workflow is the workflow name. If multiple versions of the same workflow are available, such as 1.1.0 and 2.2.0, the deployer only installs the latest version, version 2.2.0.

In Network Intents, the unique identifier is intent type and major version, therefore if the artifact bundle contains version 1.1.0 and version 2.2.0 of the same intent type, the deployer installs both.

The version control policy of the target deployer also determines how new versions are handled when an existing version of an artifact is present. In many cases, the status of the lower version artifact is updated to Obsolete. The status of the higher version artifact is Installed.

Version management best practices

When you install an artifact bundle using the Artifact Bundles view, the artifacts in the bundle are installed in the target applications according to the version control policy of the target.

This means that new artifacts may supersede existing artifacts in use, especially for workflows or intent types as described in Artifact version management.

If you have updated artifacts in NSP after installation, for example, editing a workflow or creating intents for an intent type, you can export the changed artifacts to save your changes before installing new versions.

If you are installing a bundle, such as an NSP service pack, that may contain new versions of artifacts you have updated, the following steps are recommended: