CPAA redundancy workflow


This workflow outlines the high-level steps necessary to configure CPAA redundancy. It assumes that the active and standby CPAAs have been configured for active peering with the same IGP areas (OSPF) or levels (ISIS), and that the standby CPAA does not have a configured IGP administrative domain (duplicate IGP administrative domains that are configured on the active and standby CPAAs are not supported and can corrupt the IGP topology). The active CPAA is configured to be administratively up and the standby CPAA is configured to be administratively down.


Assign the standby CPAA to the active CPAA. See To assign a standby CPAA to an active CPAA for more information.

Note: Set checkpoints for all of the IGP areas or levels that are managed by the active CPAA. Otherwise, you may lose the layout of network links and NEs on the map.

As required, switchover to a standby CPAA from an active CPAA. See To switchover to a standby CPAA from an active CPAA for more information.

Note: Auditing of the active and standby CPAA configurations can be automated using the XML script capability of the NFM-P or the XML API OSS interface. The provision of the scripts or XML interface tools is an Nokia contracted design service.

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