Application Usage by Top Subscribers for Selected Access Network Location report

Application Usage by Top Subscribers for Selected Access Network Location report overview

The Application Usage by Top Subscribers for Selected Access Network Locations report shows the pattern of application usage by the top specified number of subscribers for a selected ANL.

Report characteristics

The following table lists the principal report characteristics.

Table 6-5: Application Usage by Top Subscribers for Selected Access Network Locations report characteristics



Statistics type

AA Cflowd Flow Congestion

NSP Flow Collector required


Report inputs



End date

Calendar date or relative date (for example, two days ago) and time


Aggregation types:

  • None (raw data)

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Monthly


Mobile or Wi-Fi (DSM)

Report range

Length of time to be reported, in minutes (minutes, min), hours (hours, h), days (days, d), weeks (w), or months (months, m)

Access Network Location ID, Name (or Name Pattern)

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).

Access Network Location

Radio Name (partial or complete; exact or pattern, applicable only for Wi-Fi)

Radio Name

Applicable only for Wi-Fi

Application Usage Threshold

Threshold percentage for usage below which the application will not appear in the report. The default is 2.


Number of top subscribers to report.

Drill-down support



The following figure shows a report example.

Figure 6-4: Application Usage by Top Subscribers for Selected Access Network Location report
Application Usage by Top Subscribers for Selected Access Network Location report