Firewall Drop Dashboard

Firewall Drop Dashboard overview

The Firewall Drop Dashboard shows the AA firewall packet-drop activity on selected AA partitions.

Use cases

Network security monitoring—Use the report to monitor network threats and identify potential attacks.

Policy verification—Use the report to ensure that policies are not dropping legitimate traffic.

Dashboard characteristics

The following table lists the principal dashboard characteristics.

Table 5-1: Firewall Drop Dashboard characteristics



Statistics type

AA Accounting add/drop

NSP Flow Collector required



Residential / Wi-Fi (ESM)


Wi-Fi (DSM)


Report inputs



End date

Calendar date or relative date (for example, two days ago) and time

Report range

Length of time to be reported, in minutes (minutes, min), hours (hours, h), days (days, d), weeks (w), or months (months, m)


Aggregation types:

  • None (raw data)

  • Hourly

  • Daily

  • Monthly

Node type

Search using partial names or wildcard (%).

Select individual items or click Select All.



Session Filter Direction

Upload and Download, Upload, or Download

Policer Type

Subscriber Flow Count, Subscriber Flow Rate, System Flow Count, System Flow Rate

Anomaly Type

Select individual items or click Select All.

Anomaly Direction

Upload and Download, Upload, or Download

TCP Validation Direction


Number of statistics to report

Drill-down support

Yes—Display tables of the session filter, policer, and anomaly drop counts per direction


The following figures show the dashlets that the dashboard contains.

Figure 5-1: Top Session Filter Drop dashlet
Top Session Filter Drop dashlet
Figure 5-2: Top Session Filter Drop drill-down
Top Session Filter Drop drill-down
Figure 5-3: Top Policer Drop dashlet
Top Policer Drop dashlet
Figure 5-4: Top Policer Drop drill-down
Top Policer Drop drill-down
Figure 5-5: Top Anomaly Drop dashlet
Top Anomaly Drop dashlet
Figure 5-6: Top Anomaly Drop drill-down
Top Anomaly Drop drill-down
Figure 5-7: Top TCP Validation Drop dashlet
Top TCP Validation Drop dashlet
Figure 5-8: Top TCP Validation Drop drill-down
Top TCP Validation Drop drill-down