Link Unavailability Details report

Link Unavailability Details report overview

The Link Unavailability Details report shows the month wise details of unavailable seconds for the associated ports or LAGs on a radio link and MWA link. The Link Unavailability Details report can be generated based on the link selected in the summary report.

Use cases

Capacity planning—Use the report to examine the unavailable seconds based on the radio link between the NEs of the respective ports or LAGs.


To create a Link Unavailability Details report, you must enable the Hop History Data Statistics by selecting the Product Name as ‘Wavence SM’ using NSP Classic management.

The following table lists the statistics that must be collected on each NE; see the NSP NFM-P Statistics Management Guide for information about configuring statistics collection.

Table 15-19: Link Unavailability Details report prerequisites

Aggregator name

Monitored object class

Statistics class

Statistics collection


NE types

Not applicable





Hop History Data stats (15Min)


Wavence MSS-1, Wavence MSS-4, Wavence MSS-8, Wavence MSS-O, Wavence MSS-E, Wavence MSS-HE, Wavence MSS-XE, Wavence MSS-1c, Wavence SA, Wavence UBT-SA, Wavence UBT-I, Wavence UBT-T XP, 9500 MPR-A Chassis 4, 9500 MPR-A Chassis 8, 9500 MPR-E Chassis 1, 9500 MPR-E Chassis 4, 9500 MPR-E Chassis 8, 9500 MSS-1c, 9500 MSS-O ANSI, 9500 MSS-O ETSI, 9500 SA, 7705 SAR with PMC

Report characteristics

The following table lists the principal report characteristics.

Table 15-20: Link Unavailability Details report characteristics



Statistics type

Performance statistics

NSP flow collector required


NE types supported

Wavence MSS-1, Wavence MSS-4, Wavence MSS-8, Wavence MSS-O, Wavence MSS-E, Wavence MSS-HE, Wavence MSS-XE, Wavence MSS-1c, Wavence SA, Wavence UBT-SA, Wavence UBT-I, Wavence UBT-T XP, 9500 MPR-A Chassis 1, 9500 MPR-A Chassis 4, 9500 MPR-A Chassis 8, 9500 MPR-E Chassis 1, 9500 MPR-E Chassis 4, 9500 MPR-E Chassis 8, 9500 MSS-1c, 9500 MSS-O ANSI, 9500 MSS-O ETSI, 9500 SA, 7705 SAR with PMC

Report inputs



Start date

End date

Calendar date or relative date (for example, two days ago) and time


Select individual links or click Select All.

Unavailability Seconds Threshold

Specify the value in seconds

Show threshold violations only

Select to see threshold violations only.

Logo Resource ID

The logo to add to the report. Enter the Resource ID of the logo image in the Images folder. The default is the Nokia logo. To create the report without a logo, leave the Logo Resource ID field blank.

Logo Position

Choose Left, Middle, or Right. The logo appears on the left on the first page of the report if you choose Left or Middle.

Show report output on one page

Select the check box to enable pagination.

Note: Using the Show report output on one page option when creating reports as drill-downs may impact report rendering time. Nokia recommends disabling the Show report output on one page option when creating reports.


Applies all the parameters and prepares the report based on the parameters entered.


Resets all the parameters to default value.

Drill-down support



The following figures show a report example.

Figure 15-25: Link Unavailability Details report
Link Unavailability Details report
Figure 15-26: Link Unavailability Details report, continued
Link Unavailability Details report, continued