To add data to the maintenance-window table in an auxiliary database


Perform this procedure to add an NE or service as the target of Analytics reporting to monitor downtime, for example, during a network maintenance window. You add the NE or service information to the custom auxiliary database table named samdb.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct.

The following is an example of the table format:

Figure 14-6: Example of the samdb.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct table format
Example of the samdb.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct table format

Log in as the root user on an NFM-P main server station.

Open a console window.

Enter the following:

cd /opt/nsp/nms/bin ↵

Use a plain-text editor to create the following file in the directory that holds the source maintenance-window data:


The following define the table columns:

Note: The epoch time must be in milliseconds.

  • maintenanceType—node or service

  • affectedObjec—NE system or site ID, or service name

  • fullnameAffectedObjecteither—either:

    • NE FDN, in the format network:address

    • NFM-P service ID, in the format svc-mgr:service_ID

    An NFM-P NE properties form lists the NE system address..

    The NFM-P Manage Services form lists NFM-P service IDs.

  • startTime—maintenance window start; Unix epoch time, in milliseconds

  • endTime—maintenance window end; Unix epoch time, in milliseconds

  • description—optional object description; displayed as input option

For example:


Save and close the file.

Enter the following to insert the data from the CSV file into the custom table:

./customData.bash --importData samdb.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct NodeAvailability_Table.csv ↵

You are prompted for the password of the samauxdb user.

Enter the password.

The file data is imported to the samdb.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct table.

Close the console window on the main server station.


Log in as the root user on an auxiliary database station.


Enter the following:

cd /opt/vertica/bin ↵


Enter the following:

./vsql -U samauxdb ↵

You are prompted for the password of the samauxdb user.


Enter the password.

A database console session opens.


Enter the following:

select * from samdb.analytics_MaintenanceWindow_ct; ↵

The table data is inserted, and the table content is displayed.


Verify that the table content matches the information provided in the CSV file:


When the verification is complete, enter the following:

exit ↵

The database console session closes.


Close the console window on the auxiliary database station.

End of steps