To upload images to a custom dashboard


You can add a logo to a custom Analytics dashboard.

Note: You cannot add an image to a custom Analytics report, but you can create a custom dashboard with a logo and add one or more ad hoc reports to the dashboard

Perform this procedure to upload and import an image file for use as a logo. The following file formats are supported:

  • JPEG

  • JPG

  • GIF

  • PNG

  • SVG

  • BMP

Note: In a custom dashboard, the images are not auto-scaled to 80 pixels as in a prepackaged report. Instead, you must manually resize the image dashlet.

Upload image

Open Data Collection and Analysis Analytics Reports, Repository.

Click Folders, then expand root→Images→Add Resource→File→Image. The Add File form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

Click Submit.

Import image

Open Dashboard Designer.

Drag the image from the New Content section of the Available Content panel to the dashboard canvas to create a dashlet. The Dashlet Image form opens.

Complete the Web Address/Repository URI parameter with this path format:



  • image_name is the file name of your image

  • image_file_type is the file type of your image

Click OK.

End of steps