To create a Source Entry Point between Managed PTP Peers to an unmanaged PTP Peer

General information

This procedure only applies to IEEE 1588 PTP Synchronization-enabled NEs.

Once a Source Entry Point has been created, IP Path Monitors can then be created between it and PTP peers. Source entry points can be used when highlighting PTP Peers in a Sync Domain. See To highlight PTP Peers in a Sync Domain for more information.


Choose Tools→Synchronization Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The Synchronization Manager form opens.

Click on the Add button and then on Source Entry Point from the contextual pop-up. The Source Entry Point (Create) form opens, with the General tab displayed.

Configure the parameters, as required:

  • Unmanaged IP Address

  • Description

  • Entry Point 1

  • Entry Point 2

  • Entry Point 3

  • Entry Point 4

Up to four Entry Points may be specified, but Entry Point 1 is required.

Click on the Apply button. The Source Entry Point form is refreshed and the PTP Peers tab becomes active.

Click on the PTP Peers tab and then click on Search. A list of IEEE 1588 PTP Peers is displayed.

End of steps

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