To highlight the constrained shortest path between two IP addresses


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_Administrative_Domain from the NFM-P main menu. The appropriate IGP topology map opens.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Right-click on the map and choose Highlight→Paths→IP→CSPF from the contextual menu. The Highlight CSPF Request form opens with the General tab displayed.

  2. Perform the following:

    1. Press the Ctrl key and click on a source and destination router or link.

    2. Right-click on the map and choose Highlight→Paths→IP→CSPF from the contextual menu. The Highlight CSPF Request form opens with the General tab displayed.

Configure the parameters:

  • Protocol

  • Request Type

  • Least Fill Min Threshold %

  • Required Bandwidth

  • Hop Limit

  • SRLG Strict

The Least Fill Min Threshold % parameter is configurable only when the Request Type parameter is set to Least_Fill.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Configure the Source IP parameter.

    Note: If you performed Step 2 b , the Source IP parameter is already configured with the selected source router or link IP address.

  2. Choose a source link or router.

    1. Click on the Select button. The Select Source Router form opens.

    2. Choose a source type from the menu:

      • Protocol Link (CPAM: Topology) to search for a link

      • Router (CPAM: Topology) to search for a router

    3. Specify a filter, if necessary, and click on the Search button. A list of routers or links appears.

    4. Choose an entry and click on the OK button. The Select Source Router form closes and the Highlight CSPF Request form reappears with the source information.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Configure the Destination FEC parameter.

    Note: If you performed Step 2 b , the Destination FEC parameter is already configured with the destination router or link IP address.

  2. Choose a destination.

    1. Click on the Select button. The Select Destination FEC form opens.

    2. Choose a destination type from the menu:

      • Protocol Link (CPAM: Topology) to search for links

      • Router (CPAM: Topology) to search for a routers

    3. Specify a filter, if necessary, and click on the Search button. A list of routers or links appears.

    4. Choose an entry and click on the OK button. The Select Destination FEC form closes and the Highlight CSPF Request form reappears with the destination information.

Click on the Administrative Groups tab.

Choose an administrative group from the Unassigned list in the Included Groups panel and click on the right arrow button. The administrative group moves to the Assigned list.

Note: The links in the calculated CSPF must include the specified administrative groups.

Choose an administrative group from the Unassigned list in the Excluded Groups panel and click on the right arrow button. The administrative group moves to the Assigned list.

Note: The links in the calculated CSPF must exclude the specified administrative groups.

Specify the routers that are to be excluded from the CSPF highlight. The highlighted CSPF must not pass through the routers with the specified router IDs.

  1. Click on the Excluded Routers tab.

  2. Click on the Add button. The Select Excluded Routers form opens.

  3. Specify a filter, if necessary, and click on the Search button. A list of routers appears.

  4. Choose one or more routers and click on the OK button. The Select Excluded Routers form closes.


Specify the egress IP addresses that are to be excluded from the CSPF highlight. The highlighted CSPF must not pass through the egress interfaces with the specified IP addresses.

  1. Click on the Excluded Egress IP Addresses tab.

  2. Click on the Add button. The Select Excluded Egress IP Links form opens.

  3. Click on the Select Object Type button and choose one of the following:

    • ISIS Link (CPAM:Topology)

    • Non-Routed Link (CPAM: Topology)

    • OSPF Link (CPAM:Topology)

  4. Specify a filter and click on the Search button.

  5. Choose one or more links and click on the OK button. The Select Excluded Egress IP Links form closes.


Configure the TE parameters, if required.

  1. Click on the TE Parameters tab.

  2. Configure the parameters:

    • System Instance ID

    • Diff-Serv Class Type

    • Setup Priority

    • Hold Priority


Specify the values of SRLG to be excluded from the CSPF calculation by choosing specific values or choosing links from which SRLG values are to be excluded:

  1. Click on the Excluded Shared Risk Link Groups tab.

  2. Click on the Add Links button. The Select IP Link with excluded SRLG form opens.

  3. Click on the Search button. A list of links appears.

  4. Choose a link and click on the OK button. The Select IP Link with excluded SRLG form closes.

  5. To add more links, repeat 2 to 4 .

  6. Click on the Add Values button. The Add excluded SRLG Value form opens.

  7. Configure the SRLG Value parameter.

  8. Click on the OK button. The Add excluded SRLG Value form closes.

  9. To add more values, repeat 6 to 8 .


Click on the OK button. The Highlight CSPF Request form closes and the CSPF is highlighted on the topology map.

Note: If the CSPF requests fails and the Diagnose CSPF Failure window appears, see To diagnose a CSPF failure .


To manage or remove the CSPF highlight, perform To manage active highlights on a topology map .

End of steps

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