To use the Configure Info Tables button

General information

The Configure Info Tables button is used to create an info table configuration for map objects. See To use the Global Info Tables button to apply an info table configuration to map objects or the entire map.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_Administrative_Domain from the NFM-P main menu. The appropriate topology map appears showing the network objects.

Click on the Global Info Tables button and choose Configure from the contextual menu. A topology_view Info Table Configurations form opens.

Click on the Create button. The topology_view Info Table Configuration form opens.

Enter a name in the Configuration name field.

Choose an info table type from the left-hand panel.

Click on the check boxes to choose the attributes that you want to display in the info table on the topology map for the associated object.

Click on the OK button. The topology_view Info Table Configuration form closes.

End of steps

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