CPAM MIB statistics policies

Overview of CPAM MIB statistics policies

The collection of BGP statistics is controlled by MIB statistics polices that specify an administrative state, polling synchronization start time, and collection interval. The two types of MIB statistics policies are:

Note: Nokia recommends that you configure specific MIB statistics policies for BGP collection to reduce the large number of statistics that can be collected for a global policy or an NE MIB statistics policy.

Each type of MIB statistics policy contains a list of MIB entry policies. A MIB entry policy defines the collection criteria for a specific MIB row. In an NE MIB policy, a MIB entry policy applies to all of the objects on the NE that use the MIB entry. In a specific MIB policy, the MIB entry policy applies only to the specified objects on the NE.

If the statistics collection time required for a MIB entry exceeds the collection interval specified in the MIB statistics policy, the CPAM raises an alarm. You can change the polling interval for a statistics class to prevent this occurrence.

Specific MIB statistics policies

A specific MIB statistics policy defines the collection of selected performance statistics from specific objects on specific NEs for more statistics collection granularity. For example, to collect BGP statistics for BGP routes churn in one originated AS and BGP routes churn in another originated AS, you can specify two policies that specify different collection intervals, and the originated AS to which each policy applies.

The settings in a specific MIB statistics policy override the settings in an NE MIB statistics policy, and can be used to disable statistics collection for specific objects. For example, you enable statistics collection globally for a CPAA using an NE MIB statistics policy, and then disable the collection of specific statistics using a specific MIB statistics policy.

Note: Nokia recommends that you use specific MIB statistics policies for BGP statistics.

NE MIB statistics policies

An NE MIB statistics policy defines the global collection of specific statistics on specific CPAAs. In this scenario, configure NE MIB policies rather than specific MIB policies for more efficiency and fewer collection resources.

After an NE MIB statistics policy is applied to a CPAA, statistics are collected for all of the objects on the CPAA, except for objects that have a specific MIB statistics policy. As a result, statistics cannot be collected twice, that is, once by the NE MIB policy and once by the specific MIB policy.

Each CPAA requires an NE MIB statistics policy. The CPAM has a default policy that is applied to a CPAA automatically when an NE MIB statistics policy is not specified. The collection interval for each counter in the default policy is 15 minutes. Collection is disabled by default to conserve NE resources.

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