To create a BGP route profile


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Route Profiles from the NFM-P main menu. The Route Profiles form appears.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Click on the Create button and choose IP VPN BGP Route Profile.

  2. Click on the Create button and choose Global BGP Route Profile.

The BGP Route Profile (Create) form opens.

Configure the required parameters.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Select the BGP AS by configuring the Confederation AS Number and AS Number parameters.

  2. Select a BGP AS in the BGP AS panel.

    Note: Each BGP route profile must be unique. A BGP route profile cannot be created if its parameters are configured to the same values as the parameters of an existing BGP route profile.

Perform one of the following:

  1. If you chose IP VPN BGP Route Profile in Step 2 , continue to Step 6 .

  2. If you chose Global BGP Route Profile in Step 2 , go to Step 14 .

Configure the Profile Type parameter.

Perform one of the following:

  1. If the Profile Type parameter was set to Route Distinguisher Based in Step 6 , continue to Step 8 .

  2. If the Profile Type parameter was set to Route Target Based in Step 6 , go to Step 11 .

Click on the Route Distinguishers tab and click Add.

Configure the Value parameter and click OK.

Note: A maximum of five BGP route profiles can share the same route distinguisher, but their route targets or communities must be unique.


To add Route Targets, continue to Step 11 . Otherwise, go to Step 14 .


Click on the Route Targets tab and click Add.


Configure the Value parameter and click Apply.

Note: A maximum of five BGP route profiles can share the same route target, but their communities must be unique.


As required, repeat Step 12 to add additional Route Targets, up to a maximum of 20. Click OK when finished.


Click on the Communities tab and click Add.


Configure the Value parameter and click Apply.


If creating an IP VPN BGP route profile, you may repeat Step 15 to add additional Communities, up to a maximum of 20. Click OK when finished.


Save your changes and close the form.

End of steps

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