To store alarms in an alarm history log and view alarm history logs


Choose Administration→Alarm Settings from the NFM-P main menu. The Alarm Settings form appears.

Click on the Alarm History DB Behavior tab.

Set the alarm history behavior:

  1. Specify the Max 24hr Partition Log Size (records) parameter to set the maximum number of entries in the alarm history log.

  2. Ensure that the Administrative State parameter is set to Up to enable alarm history logging.

  3. Select the Log on Change check box to specify whether to log an alarm when one of its properties changes, for example, to log an alarm when the alarm is acknowledged.

  4. Select the Log on Deletion check box to specify whether to log an alarm when it is deleted.


    Nokia recommends that you select the Log on Deletion option to ensure that there are logged records of all deleted alarms saved as historical alarm records.

Set filters to the DB policy to determine the criteria for an alarm to be logged:

  1. Click on the Set Purge Range button. The Alarm Settings Filter form opens.

  2. Configure the list filter criteria.

  3. Click on the OK button.

Delete the alarms according to your alarm handling policies.

The deleted alarms are logged to the alarm history logs. To view logged alarm history records:

  1. Choose Tools→Historical Alarms from the NFM-P main menu. The Alarm History filter form opens.

  2. If required, configure the filter criteria to limit the range of historical alarms displayed.

  3. Click on the Search button. The historical alarms appear based on the filtering criteria.


    When you sort more than 50 000 outstanding or logged alarms, GUI performance is affected. Use filters to limit the number of alarms that are listed.

Review the alarm history log data for trends and other fault management purposes. Transfer the data from the NFM-P for post-processing, as required.

End of steps

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