To manage a specific MIB policy for BGP statistics collection

When to use

Perform this procedure to configure a policy for BGP statistics collection for a specific CPAA MIB object.

Note: You can also create a generic MIB policy.


Choose Tools→Statistics→MIB Policies from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage MIB Statistics Policies form opens.

Choose Specific MIB Statistics Policy (SNMP) from the object menu.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Modify a MIB statistics policy.

    1. Specify a filter to create a filtered list of MIB statistics policies. A list of MIB statistics policies is displayed.

    2. Choose a MIB statistics policy and click on the Properties button. The Specific MIB Statistics Policy form (Edit) opens.

    Note: When you change a MIB statistics policy for the statistics class of an object, the same changes apply to all of the other objects that use the same statistics class.

  2. Click on the Create button to create a MIB statistics policy. The Specific MIB Statistics Policy (Create) form opens.

Configure the parameters:

  • Auto-Assign ID

  • Policy ID

  • Name

  • Polling Synchronization Time

  • Polling Admin State

Click on the Select button for the Monitored Class Name. The Specific Stats Poller Policy form opens.

Choose one of the following object types and click on the OK button:

  • BGP Stats-Originated AS (CPAM:Topology)

  • BGP Stats-Route Target and Next Hops (CPAM:Topology)

The Specific Stats Poller Policy form closes and the Specific MIB Statistics Policy form reappears with the object type displayed in the Monitored Class Name field.

Click on the Apply button. The Specific MIB Statistics Policy form refreshes to display additional tab buttons.

Click on the Monitored Objects tab button.

Click on the Add button. The Select monitored_object for Specific MIB Statistics Policy form opens.


Configure the filter criteria and click on the Search button. A list of monitored objects is displayed.


Choose one or more objects and click on the OK button. The Select monitored_object for Specific MIB Statistics Policy form closes and the Specific MIB Statistics Policy form reappears with the selected objects listed.


Click on the OK button. The Specific MIB Statistics Policy form closes and the Manage MIB Statistics Policies form reappears.


Close the Manage MIB Statistics Policies form.

End of steps

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