To configure and plot a statistics graph


Choose Tools→Statistics→MIB Policies from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage MIB Statistics Policies form opens.

Choose Specific MIB Statistics Policy (SNMP) from the object drop-down menu and click on the Search button. A list of policies appears.

Choose the policy for which you need to plot a statistics graph and click on the Properties button. The Specific MIB Statistics Policy (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Note: You must choose a policy for one of the following monitored class names:

  • topology.BgpOriginatedAs

  • topology.BgpRoutesNexthHop

Click on the Monitored Objects tab button.

Choose the object for which you need to plot the statistics and click on the Properties button. The BGP Stats-Object (Edit) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Click on the Statistics tab button.

Click on the Search button to view statistics record entries for scheduled collections of the selected statistics class, or click on the Collect button to perform an on-demand collection and view the current statistics for the selected statistics class.

Choose a statistics record.

Click on the Plotter button and choose New Plot from the contextual menu. The Statistics Plotter form opens.


Click on a plot in the Statistics Counter column of the configuration panel and choose a statistics counter from the menu.


Add a plot to the statistics plotter. You can duplicate the existing object or choose a new object. If the same object is used, the statistics counter must be unique. If a different object is used, the same statistics counter can be used for each object.

Note: A statistics graph can plot up to four statistics counters. The statistics counters can all be the same when there are four different objects. If only one object is used, each statistics counter must be unique.

  1. To add a plot using an object in the list:

    1. Choose an entry and click on the Duplicate button. The plot is duplicated in the list.

    2. Click on the new plot in the Statistics Counter column and choose a statistics counter from the menu. The counter must be unique.

    3. Click on the Y Axis column and choose an axis from the menu.

  2. To add a statistics counter using a new object, repeat to Step 1 to Step 9 .


To add another plot to the plotter, repeat Step 11 . You can create up to four plots.

Note: Each plot must be unique. The CPAM deletes the older plot if you attempt to create a duplicate a plot in this step.


Perform one of the following:

  1. To create a real-time statistics graph:

    1. Choose a polling interval from the Real-time Polling Interval drop-down menu, or enter a value between 10 and 60.

    2. Click on the Real-time Plot button. The detail panel displays the plotted statistics using the configured polling interval.


      You do not have to stop real-time statistics collection to add or remove plots.

    3. Click on the stop button to pause the real-time statistics collection.

  2. To create a graph using historical statistics, click on the Historical Plot button. The statistics are plotted in the detail panel.


Perform one or more of the following to view information in the detail panel.

  1. To display a tool tip for a plot, move the mouse pointer over the data points in the detail panel. A tool tip identifies the plot number, the statistics collection interval, and the statistics value at that interval.

  2. To change the view displayed in the detail panel, click on the green box in the overview panel and drag the box horizontally.

    When the green box is not selected and real-time statistics are being collected, the green box automatically scrolls to display the latest statistics.

  3. To turn off autoscrolling, double-click on the green box. The green box changes to red. When the box is red, autoscrolling is turned off and the detail panel remains in the location displayed in the overview panel red box.

  4. To resize the objects in the detail panel, click on the Zoom in Tool and Zoom out Tool buttons. Click on the Reset Zoom tool button to return to the default graph view.

  5. To display the data points for each plot in the detail panel, select the Markers check box.

  6. To display a legend in the detail panel, select the Legend check box.

  7. To display the X-axis grid lines, select the Grid X check box. This check box is selected by default.

  8. To display the Y1 grid lines, select the Grid Y1 check box. The Y1 axis is displayed on the left side of the detail panel. The grid lines are displayed only if the Y1 axis is in use.

  9. To display the Y2 grid lines, select the Grid Y2 check box. The Y2 axis is displayed on the right side of the detail panel. The grid lines are displayed only if the Y2 axis is in use.

  10. Perform the following steps to hide or show a plot in the detail panel. This is required when plots in the detail panel overlap.

    1. Choose the plot to hide in the detail panel.

    2. Click in the column heading configuration panel and choose Plot n in the menu, where n is the plot to hide. The check mark is removed from the plot list, and the plot is removed from the detail and data panels.


      Statistics collection does not stop when a plot is hidden.

    3. To show the plot in the detail panel, right-click in the column heading of the data panel and choose Plot n from the contextual menu, where n is the plot to show. A check mark is displayed beside the plot in the contextual menu and the plot is displayed in the detail and data panels.


To clear a plot from the detail panel but keep the plot in the configuration panel so that the plot can be used to create a new plot:

  1. Choose the object in the list and click on the Clear button. The plot is deleted from the detail and data panels.

  2. Click on the plot in the Statistics Counter column and choose a unique statistics counter from the menu.

  3. Click on the Y Axis column and choose an axis from the menu.


To remove a plot from the detail and data panels, select the object in the list and click on the Remove button. The plot is deleted from the detail and data panels.


Perform one of the following steps, if required.

  1. To switch from a real-time statistics graph to a historical statistics graph, click on the Stop button and click on the Historical Plot button. The detail panel clears and the statistics are plotted in the detail panel.

  2. To switch from a historical statistics graph to a real-time statistics graph, choose a polling interval from the real-time polling interval drop-down menu or enter a value between 10 and 3600 seconds and click on the Real-time Plot button. The detail panel clears and real-time statistics plotting begins.


Save the statistics graph results, if required.

Note: Only the detail that appears in the detail panel is saved. To change the view in the detail panel before you save the results, use the overview panel or the zoom buttons.

If the Legend check box is selected, the legend is saved with the statistics graph results.

  1. Click on the Save Current View button. The Save as form appears.

  2. Specify a directory in which to save the statistics graph using the Save In parameter. The Save In form opens.

  3. Enter a filename in the File Name field.

  4. Choose JPG or PNG from the Type of File drop-down menu.

  5. Click on the Save button. The Save as form closes and the graph is saved in the specified JPG or PNG file.


Save the statistics table results, if required. All of the statistics in the data panel are saved.

  1. Right-click on the plot value list heading and choose Save To File from the contextual menu. The Save form opens.

  2. Specify a directory in which to save the statistics table using the Save In parameter. The Save In form opens.

  3. Enter a filename using the File Name field.

  4. Choose HTML or CSV from the Type of File drop-down menu.

  5. Click on the Save button. The Save form closes and the contents of the plot value list are saved in the specified file.


Close the Statistics Plotter form.

Note: The Statistics Plotter form cannot be saved. When you close a Statistics Plotter form, the data in the form is deleted.

End of steps

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