To create a simulated ISIS router


Perform To open a scenario to open a simulation topology map.

Right-click on the map and choose Add→Router from the contextual menu. The Simulated Router (Create) form opens with the General tab displayed.

Configure the parameters:

  • Router ID

  • Name

  • Description

  • ISIS Router Flags

  • Administrative State

The CPAM automatically sets the attached flag in the ISIS router flags if the router is connected to both L1 and L2 levels.

Click on the MPLS tab button.

Configure the Administrative State parameter.

Click on the RSVP tab button.

Configure the Administrative State parameter.

Click on the OK button. The Simulated Router (Create) form closes and the router appears on the topology map.

Click on the Impact Analysis button on the SIMULATION - IGP Model - Scenario topology map, if required.


Close the SIMULATION - IGP Model - Scenario topology map, if required.

End of steps

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