To import IP paths


Perform To open a scenario to open a simulation topology map.

Right-click on the topology map and choose Simulated Path Monitoring from the contextual menu. The Simulated Path Monitoring form opens.

Click on the Import Paths button and choose one of the following:

  1. All Simulated Paths from Other Scenario—import all of the simulated IP paths from an existing scenario. The All Simulated Paths from Other Scenario form opens. Go to Step 4 .

  2. Selected Simulated Paths from Other Scenario—import selected simulated IP paths from an existing scenario. The Import Selected Simulated Paths from Other Scenario form opens. Go to Step 5 .

  3. Selected Paths from Real Network—import selected real IP paths from a real network. The Import Selected Paths from Real Network form opens. Go to Step 6 .

Perform the following:

  1. Choose an entry and click on the OK button. The All Simulated Paths from Other Scenario form closes.

  2. Go to Step 7 .

Perform the following:

  1. Specify a filter for the search, if required and click on the Search button.

  2. Choose an entry and click on the OK button. The Import Selected Simulated Paths from Other Scenario form closes.

  3. Go to Step 7 .

Perform the following:

  1. Specify a filter for the search, if required and click on the Search button.

  2. Choose an entry and click on the OK button. The Import Selected Paths from Real Network form closes.

Close the Simulated Path Monitoring form.

End of steps

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