To open the multicast topology view


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Multicast Manager from the NFM-P main menu. The Multicast Manager form opens.

Click on the Multicast Topology button. The multicast topology view may take several minutes to load.

Note: The multicast topology view is synchronized in real-time with the IGP topology maps. If you move an object on an IGP topology view, the same object moves on the multicast topology view. If you move an object on the multicast topology view, the same object moves on the IGP topology view.

Perform one of the following:

  1. Highlight RPs—active RPs, candidate RPs, best RP for a group, or anycast RPs. See To highlight RPs .

  2. Highlight BSRs—elected BSRs or candidate BSRs. See To highlight BSRs .

  3. Highlight the multicast tree—multicast tree from the network, historical multicast tree, or OAM multicast tree. See To highlight the multicast tree .

  4. Highlight active sources for a group. See To highlight active sources for a group .

Close the multicast topology view.

Close the Multicast Manager form.

End of steps

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