Chapter 13: OAM diagnostics

OAM diagnostics overview

IP, LSP, and P2MP LSP path test policies

OAM trace highlights

Global Info tables on highlighted OAM results

Workflow for OAM diagnostics

To create an IP path test policy

To create an LSP test policy

To create a P2MP LSP test policy

To configure an OAM test execution policy

To manually run an OAM diagnostic on an IP, LSP, or P2MP path monitor

To view OAM test results of an IP, LSP, or P2MP path monitor

To highlight the results of a multicast trace OAM diagnostic on a topology map

To highlight the results of an LSP trace OAM diagnostic on a topology map

To highlight the results of an ICMP route trace OAM diagnostic on a topology map

To highlight the results of an OAM trace diagnostic on a topology map from the NFM-P Service Test Manager

To highlight the results of a multicast trace diagnostic on a topology map from the NFM-P Service Test Manager

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