To synchronize topology maps

General information

The CPAM IGP topology map can be synchronized with the NFM-P physical map to provide consistent organization of managed and unmanaged routers, and groups. The OSPF, OSPFv3, and ISIS topology maps can be synchronized with the IGP topology map.


Choose Tools→Route Analysis→Topology_typeIGP_administrative_domain from the NFM-P main menu. The topology map opens.

As required, right-click on the topology map and choose Sync Tools→Initialize View to clear any existing configurations.

Perform one of the following:

  1. On the IGP topology map, right-click and choose Sync Tools→Sync map with the physical map.

    Note: Changes made to the IGP administrative domain will be reflected on Multicast and MPLS topologies.

  2. On the OSPF, OSPFv3, or ISIS topology map, right-click and choose Sync Tools→Sync map with the IGP map.

End of steps

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