To separate microwave backhaul service topologies

Separate services

Choose Manage→Service→Services from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Services form opens.

Choose the discovered service containing a large number of service topologies and click Properties. The Microwave Backhaul Service (Edit) form opens.

Click Connect.

Click on the Sites tab and click Separate Topologies. New microwave backhaul services are created automatically for each of the topology IDs except the topology ID 1, and the corresponding sites are moved to the respective services.

Note: The Separate Topologies button is dimmed if the connect operation is not performed on the discovered service.

After the connect operation, the Separate Topologies button is enabled for the discovered services that have more than one topology ID.

Click Connect to connect the original discovered service, save the changes, and close the form.

Connect separated services

Choose Manage→Service→Services from the NFM-P main menu. The Manage Services form opens.

Perform one of the following to connect services:

  1. Click Connect microwave backhaul services→All to connect all services.

  2. Select the services and click Connect microwave backhaul services→Selected to connect the selected services.

End of steps