To configure the PTP clock as a synchronization source


On the NFM-P equipment navigation tree, expand Network→Wavence→Synchronization→IEEE 1588 PTP→Clock.

Right-click on the Clock object and choose Properties. The IEEE 1588 PTP Clock (Edit) form opens.

Configure the following parameters:

  1. Set the Clock Type to Boundary Clock or Ordinary Clock, Slave.

  2. Set the Admin State to Disabled.

  3. Set the Frequency Source as Ptp.

  4. Set the Admin State to Enabled.

Save your changes and close the forms.

Right-click on the Shelf object and click Properties. The Shelf (Edit) form opens.

Click on the Timing tab and configure the following parameters:

  1. Set the Primary Reference Type in the Reference Type panel to 1588 PTP Clock.

  2. Set the Secondary Reference Type in the Reference Type panel to Free Run Local Oscillator.

Note: In addition to the synchronization combinations mentioned above, all other supported combination around 1588PTP and other synchronization sources can be configured from NFM-P. See the Wavence documentation for more information.

Save your changes and close the forms.

End of steps