To propagate microwave backhaul service name to sites


Choose Administration→System preferences from the NFM-P main menu. The System Preferences form opens.

Click on the Services tab and select the following check boxes:

  • Propagate Name and Description of Service

  • Whenever a site is added to a service in the NFM-P, propagate the Service Name to Site Name

Save your changes and close the forms.

Configure a microwave backhaul service. See To configure microwave backhaul services for more information about how to configure a microwave backhaul service.

Result: The service name is propagated after the deploy function is performed.

Note: See Propagate microwave backhaul service names to sites for more information about the behavior of the “Propagate microwave backhaul service name to sites” function while interworking with a Wavence element manager.

Save your changes and close the form.

End of steps